Transcending Territories
跨 越 的 疆 圖
Exchange Programs
2020 GeSangXia Charity School
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Thank you for your interest in the Transcending Territories Exchange Program as an international artist or scholar at native areas.
Since 2016, Transcending Territories Exchange Program has been hosting local and international artists or scholars who have been eager to have experience in native area. Our first native Exchange Program location is Ordos Mongolian area. In 2018, we started to host residents in Tibetan area.
In Tibetan area, we collaborate with the Charity school of GeSangXia to do the Exchange Program. The School is located in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province, China, 4000 meters above sea level
GeSangXia was founded by living Buddha BaiMaGeSang in 2016, and the current director is BaiMaCaiAng.